“One Magical Moment, One Hundred Million Years in the Making”

GEON noun: a specified 100-million-year interval of geologic time, counted backward from the present moment.

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Aloha, I’m Allison Vieger

After working as a Graphic Designer and Art Director for eleven years, I found my true calling as a Stylist. I love working with my hands on set to beautify products, people and places. I’m very passionate about the collaborative process as an artist and I believe WE is greater than ME. My dream is to capture magic here on Kauai for you and your family.

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Aloha, I’m Taylor Vieger

I’m a tall guy who wears many hats, you’ll see ;) My background as a Cinematographer, Commercial Food Photographer, Commercial Director, Senior Copywriter & Creative Director has led me back to what I love most, being behind the camera drawing out one-of-a-kind moments. Not everyone loves having their pictures taken but my dream is to create good vibes that will leave you feeling and looking like a rock star.


after a long time TRYING, KAUAI HELPED US MAKE OUR FIRST BABY. Ever since then we dreamed of living on the garden isle. in 2019 we sold the “farm”, Left Texas, moved to kauai and “burned the ships”. the connection our family has BEEN BLESSED WITH on this magical island is colossal. we’ve stripped away a COMFORTABLE, CONVENIENT LIFE & now live with less. God has given us so much more THOUGH, beyond our wildest dreams. nature, health, growth & opportunities to connect with people like you.